What are the potential effects of global warming in terms of climate change and how can they be arrested?
Global warming is the observed and projected increases in the average temperature of Earth's atmosphere and oceans. Professor Bob Carter of James Cook University, Queensland in his interview in Nzone Tonight said that some places are warming and some places are cooling. Unfortunately, our planet Earth has been increasing its temperature infinitely. The average surface temperature of the Earth rose 0.6 to 0.9 degrees Celsius between 1906 and 2006, and the rate of temperature increases nearly doubled in the last 50 years. (Holli Riebeek, 2007) This shows that global warming is occurring at a rising rate and we are the cause of it. As we slowly let global warming becomes uncontrolled, some studies show the potential occurrences to our beloved Earth.
One inevitable consequence of global warming is sea-level rise. The problem is serious because as much as 10 percent of the world’s population lives in coastal areas less than 10 meters (about 30 feet) above sea level. (Holli Riebeek, 2007) If this is probably to happen, these communities will become increasingly vulnerable to storm damage and flooding. This will agitate them as they do not have resources to repel changes in climate. Water expands as it warms so, as the oceans are heated, the water they contain takes up more volume, and this makes the sea level rises. The seas also rise when glaciers and ice sheets melt, feeding more water into the oceans. (Chris Woodford, 2006) According to Al Gore in “An Inconvenient Truth”, he said that the maps of the world also would have to be redrawn as a result of this.
Global warming paradoxically causes not only more flooding but also more droughts. (Al Gore, 2007) This is because global warming does not only increase precipitation worldwide but it also relocates the precipitation. Global warming will result in more hot days and fewer cool days, with the greatest warming happening over land. Longer, more intense heat waves will become more frequent. (Holli Riebeek, 2007) The warming will enhance coastal erosion, extend the growing season, and melt the ice caps and glaciers. Now, not only mosquitoes are able to climb higher altitudes, but also vectors of infectious diseases are spreading. There could be more diseases emerging in the near future. Consequently, species those are unable to adapt the sudden climate change are likely to extinct. The ultimate consequence of this is hurricanes will increase in intensity due to warmer ocean surface temperatures.
As Al Gore said that we are the ones who can ascend and decrease global warming. To reduce the impact of climate change, we need to reduce global warming. (Chris Woodford, 2006) Indeed, this can be done by producing fewer carbon dioxide emissions and by means using less energy or using it more efficiently. We can use electric-efficient appliances by replacing incandescent lamps in our homes with energy-saving fluorescent lamps. We should also buy a hybrid car or higher mileage cars. Use bicycle or walk whenever possible, rather than driving a car. Other than that, we should plant more trees and recycle useable items. Lastly, we should also join international efforts to stop global warming.
In conclusion, global warming is causing havoc to human and the environment. We can consider the “climate change sceptics” that they say it is an environmental phenomenon. Nonetheless, we also play a big role in handling this contentious issue. We are to be blamed for our mistakes when the whole world is facing the consequences in the future if we do not take immediate actions from now. Prevention is better than cure. Therefore, we have to thrive in the responsibility to make the Earth a better place to live for the sake of our children that will too, live in this world.
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